The water surface of fishponds, owned by MASISDZUK LLC is 50.000 square meters. We mainly breed sturgeons of Sibiria species and their cross (hybrid) with Russian species.
The cycle of market fish production begins with the obtanning sturgeon roe and finishes with the market fish production. The temperature of the water in the fishpond is 14.5 ºC .
MASISDZUK uses certified feeding stuffs, produced by European and American producers.
Well- balanced high quality feeding stuffs and pure water from deep wells allow to produce market fish with noncomparable, delicious taste of fish meat. During last five years the enterprises breeding fish on the territory of Republic of Armenia have provided the demand of the Armenian market and are exporting fish to CIS countries.
The fish produced by MASISDZUK is exported to Republic of Georgia and the Russian Federation.
MASISDZUK LLC intends to install modern technologies, which will allow to breed 400 tons of sturgeon per year.
The main realization of the production will be carried out in Republic of Armenia and abroad.
We provide only alive fish.